Grow Your Business

Looking To Grow Your Operations?

Are you looking to grow your current operations in McCook? Or are you looking for assistance to figure out how to grow your business? We’re here to help. One of the best ways for local economies to grow is to invest in the businesses that already exist. Set up a time to come visit and let us start exploring how we can help.

Growth Resources

LB 840 Gap loans:

Along with traditional financing, the LB 840 Gap Loan program can help fill in the gap that traditional financing can’t cover to grow your business. Click here for information on the program and here to get an application.

Business Retention and Expansion Visit:

If you are exploring how to grow your visit, one of the best first steps is to set up a business retention and expansion visit. We’ll spend time with you learning about your current operations and then search for resources and technical assistance to help you grow. Contact us to set up a visit.


Are you looking to connect with others locally and get the word out about your business and services? We share offices with the McCook Chamber of Commerce and they can help get you connected with others and get your business great exposure:

Financial Assistance:

Tax increment financing (TIF) of the cost of public improvements for projects located in blighted and substandard areas. Its purpose is to reduce developer capitalization to a level that makes investment feasible. Public improvements include land purchase, clearance, and sale and construction of streets, sidewalks, utilities, parks or other similar public spaces necessary in site preparation. 


We partner with McCook Community College and Nebraska Economic Development to find solutions to help you locate and recruit your workforce. Contact us to see how we can help.

Looking To Relocate?