Develop Your Business

Start Your Business

3 Step Process: Get your business off the ground

Step 1: Develop Your Plan

We work closely with the Nebraska Business Development Center to help you develop your business plan. NBDC has consultants available to provide expert guidance in developing your business plan.

Step 2: Find Funding

There are multiple ways to finance your business.

Let MEDC talk to you about your options that include:

  • Traditional Bank Financing – There are many financial institutions that can sit down with you to evaluate your business plan financials and provide advice on what lending options would be available. A list of McCook Area banks can be found on the McCook Chamber of Commerce Directory.
  • MEDC Financing Opportunities – Along with traditional financing, MEDC can offer assistance with other paths:
  • Alternative Lenders
    • Center for Rural Affairs is committed to strengthening rural communities through small, self-employed business development. CFRA offers four essential services: financing (microloans), business training, technical assistance, and networking.
    • The Nebraska Enterprise Fund is the premier Nebraska small business Community Development Finance Institution providing business development services and financing to micro and small businesses across the state.

Step 3: Technical Assistance

Once you have your plan and financing available, you may need additional skills to help your business get started and continue to grow.

Let us help match you with the right partner for assistance whether it involves marketing your business, setting up operating procedures, or figuring out your financials.

How to Start an LLC in Nebraska

Alternative Route

Purchase an Existing Business

There are multiple business owners in the McCook area who have run successful businesses for decades and are looking to retire.

If you are interested in purchasing a business, contact MEDC to explore opportunities that are available.

MEDC can also offer LB 840 Gap Loans to help in the purchase price.

Grow Your Business

Growth Resources

LB 840 Gap Loans

The revolving LB 840 loan fund can provide loans or loan guarantees to any business eligible for assistance under the LB 840 local municipal option. While this program is not meant to restrict the scope or flexibility of the fund, evaluation of applications should give special priority to businesses which meets one or more of the program criteria that is outlined. Check out the program information for more details. 

MEDC Micro-enterprise Loan Program

The purpose of the MEDC Micro-enterprise Lending Program is to encourage and support the transfer of Nebraska-based businesses, technology, and innovation in McCook and Red Willow County, Nebraska in order for area businesses to access capital and to create high-growth , high technology businesses and to enhance the creation of wealth and quality jobs. Loan amounts can be from $1,000 to $50,000 to qualified business owners and startups. Check out the program information for more details.

Business Retention & Expansion Visit

If you are exploring how to grow your visit, one of the best first steps is to set up a business rentention and expansion visit. We’ll spend time with you learning about your current operations and then search for resources and technical assistance to help you grow. Contact us to set up a visit.


Are you looking to connect with others locally and get the word out about your business and services? We are right next to the McCook Chamber of Commerce on the 3rd Floor of the Keystone Business Center. They can help you get connected with others and get your business great exposure.

Financial Assistance

Tax Increment Financing (TIF) of the cost of public improvements for projects located in blighted and substandard areas. Its purpose is to reduce developer capitalization to a level that makes investment feasible. Public improvements include land purchase, clearance, and sale, as well as construction of streets, sidewalks, utilities, parks, or other similar public spaces necessary in site preparation.


We partner with McCook Community College and Nebraska Economic Development to find solutions to help you locate and recruit your workforce. Contact us to see how we can help.

Locate Your Business

You don't get to be the nicest community in one of the nicest states for nothing.

2019 Readers Digest Nicest Places

The #1 reason you want to expand into McCook: it is a great place for your teammates to live. McCook provides an amazing quality life, giving you time, experiences, and opportunities to build a great life. Learn more about what makes McCook great.

McCook Business Park

MEDC established the McCook Business Park nearly 25 years ago, and it continues to play a pivotal role in shaping our community’s thriving business landscape.

Situated in the southeast section of McCook, Nebraska, this 40-acre commercial and industrial park has been instrumental in supporting a diverse range of industries.

Explore the opportunities it offers for your business today.

Site Selection

In addition to the shovel ready business park, and undeveloped 5,600 square foot 5th Floor in the Keystone Business Center, check out the other commercial and industrial sites available.


What made McCook the perfect place for hose manufacturer Parker Hannifin, ag fertilizer producer Kugler, and retailer Ace Hardware? It was the people. We don’t have the population you’ll find in a metropolitan area but have a strong workforce ready to make your expansion work. McCook is also home to the oldest community college in Nebraska, McCook Community College. The college’s community and business education department is ready to adapt and provide the training your workforce needs.

Workforce Labor Report

Need the details on McCook's workforce? Here they are. McCook, Red Willow County, and Surrounding Area Workforce Labor Report

Mid-Plains BCE

Mid-Plains Business and Community Education Department is ready to adapt and provide the training your workforce needs.


Being located halfway between I-70 and I-80 along Highway 83 makes it easy to get just about anywhere in the country in two days trucking time. The addition of a BNSF Class I rail line can help with your transportation needs coast to coast. Daily flights from the Ben Nelson Regional Airport to Denver International Airport allows your staff to get to just about any location in a day for important meetings.


McCook’s business friendly climate from local government can help make the financing work for your expansion project. Tax Increment Financing allows the community to provide an incentive for development that is paid back through increased property taxes over a 15-year period. Additional incentives from the state for major development can make Nebraska and McCook a great place to grow.

Tax Increment Financing

State of Nebraska

Opportunity Zones

Part of McCook recieved Opportunity Zone designation, allowing your Opportunity Fund to invest in McCook and receive great capital tax breaks.

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