
Why Join MEDC?

  • You will have the opportunity to become actively involved in shaping the future of our community
  • You will have a recognized voice in economic development activities involving McCook and Southwest Nebraska
  • Area-wide participation is necessary to develop, finance, and manage opportunities.
  • Partnerships are viewed by prospects as indicators of community support of economic development within the area

Partnership Levels

Voting Membership

Community Builder ($10,000 or more)

Community Builders are given an automatic seat on the Board of Directors, Executive Committee, and all other benefits as described below. Our Community Builder members play a lead role in directing the work of our corporation and, in turn, the community of McCook and Southwest Nebraska.

Cornerstone Partner ($1,000 - $9,999)

Our Cornerstone Partners have voting rights as outlined in our MEDC by-laws and have voting power at our annual meeting and may participate in special meetings and functions of the corporation. They receive a Cornerstone Partnership Certificate as well as a Cornerstone Partnership listing on our website.

Keystone Member ($500 - $999)

In addition to a certificate of membership and a website listing, Keystone Members have voting power to elect representatives to the Board of Directors at the annual meeting. Authorizes members at this level to participate in all special meetings, the annual meeting, and all special functions of the corporation. (Each $500 contribution equals one vote.)

Sponsor Membership

Brick Membership ($250 - $499)

Proud supporter of economic development within McCook and Southwest Nebraska. Receives a certificate of sponsorship and listed on the website.

About Partnership Dues

  • Partnership dues must be paid during the corporation’s fiscal year – which runs from January 1st-December 31st
  • If the partnership dues are not paid in one lump sum they can be billed per the contributor’s request(i.e. semi-annual, quarterly, monthly.) A pledge must be signed and payment schedule agreed upon if the contribution will be more than $500 of more during the fiscal year.
  • Any partner who fails the contribute the minimum due to become a partner shall be terminated as a partner as of the last day of the fiscal year for which the dues were last fully paid.